Do as I Do
Languages: Italian, English, French
Researcher at the Department of Ethology in Eötvös Loránd University (Budapest). Her research is focused on dogs’ social cognitive abilities. She developed a training method called Do as I Do (named after Hayes & Hayes 1952 and Topál et al. 2006), which relies on dog’s imitative skills and is currently using it as paradigm to study dogs’ cognition. Due to its effectiveness, this method also spread in the applied field of dog training and she devote part of her research to study its effectiveness.
Obtained her PhD in Ethology at Eötvös Loránd University (Budapest) conducting research on social learning and imitation in dogs.
Received her B.Sc. on Dog Breeding and Education (TACREC), a Master in Ethology of Companion Animals and a Master in Dog Training at the University of Pisa (Italy).
Published a book on the use of social learning in dog training, Fugazza C. 2011 “DO AS I DO Using Social Learning to Train Dogs” – Ed. Haqihana (Milano) translated in other 5 languages and a DVD, Fugazza C. 2013 “Do as I Do. A new training method based on social learning” Ed. Tawzerdog (USA)
Lecturer at several seminars about social learning in dogs and its use in dog training in several countries in Europe and USA.
Scientific publications
- Fugazza C., Petro E., Miklósi A., Pogany A., (2018) Social learning of goal-directed actions in dogs (Canis familiaris): Imitation or emulation? Journal of Comparative Psychology DOI: 10.1037/com0000149
- Fugazza C., Moesta A., Pogany A., Miklósi A. (2018) Social learning from conspecifics and humans in dog puppies. Scientific Reports 8, 9257 DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-27654-0
- Fugazza C., Moesta A., Pogany A., Miklósi A. (2018) Presence and lasting effect of social referencing in dog puppies, Animal Behaviour DOI: 10.1016/j.anbehav.2018.05.007
- Miklósi Á, Faragó T, Fugazza C, Gácsi M Kubinyi E, Pongrácz P, Topál J. (2018) The Dog. A Natural History. London: Ivy Publishing Group, 2018. 224 p. (ISBN:978-1-78240-562-7)
- Fugazza, C. Miklósi, A. (2017) The ‘Do as I Do’ as a new method for studying imitation in dogs: Is the dog a copycat? Dog Behavior, 3, 21-29 doi 10.4454/DB.V3I3.54
- Fugazza, C., Mongillo, P., Marinelli, L. (2017) Sex differences in dogs’ social learning about spatial information. Animal Cognition (2017) DOI:10.1007/s10071-017-1099-1
- Fugazza, C., Pogány Á., Miklósi Á. (2016) Recall of others’ actions after incidental encoding reveals episodic-like memory in dogs. Current Biology, Vol. 26, No. 23, 3209-3213
- Fugazza, C., Pogány Á., Miklósi Á. (2016) Spatial generalization of imitation in dogs. Journal of Comparative
- Fugazza C. and Miklósi A. (2015) Social learning in dog training: the effectiveness of the Do as I do method compared to shaping/clicker training. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 171, 146-151
- Fugazza, C. and Miklósi Á. (2014) Should old dog trainers learn new tricks? The efficiency of the Do as I do method and shaping / clicker training method to train dogs. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 153, 53-61, DOI: 10.1016/j.applanim.2014.01.009
- Fugazza C. and Miklósi A. (2014) Measuring the Behaviour of Dogs: An Ethological Approach. In Horowitz A. Domestic Dog Cognition and Behaviour, The scientific study of Canis familiaris. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-53994-7_8
- Fugazza, C. and Miklósi Á. (2014) Deferred imitation and declarative memory in dogs. Animal Cognition, 17(2), 237-247, DOI: 10.1007/s10071-013-0656-5
- Fugazza C. 2013 “Do as I Do. A new training method based on social learning” DVD Ed. Tawzerdog (USA).
- Fugazza C. 2011 “DO AS I DO il cane
impara guardandoci ” (DO AS I DO dogs learn by observing us) – Ed. Haqihana (Milano) translated in English by Dogwise,Wentachee , Washington (USA), in German and Russian by Dogfriend Publisher (Vienna) and in Spanish by Dogalia (Palma de Mallorca), in Czechoslovakian by Plotknihy, in Greek byDogfriend . - The Dog. A Natural History, Publisher: London: Ivy Publishing Group, 2018. 224 p.ISBN: 978-1-78240-562-7, Miklósi A. Faragó T., Fugazza C., Gácsi M., Kubinyi E., Pongrácz P., Topál J. 2018. The Dog. A Natural History Ed. Ivy Publishing Group, London. ISBN: 978-1-78240-562-7.