Social learning in puppies
Recent scientific evidence shows that puppies as young as 8 weeks old can already learn socially from humans and from other dogs.
Lecturer: Dr. Claudia Fugazza, PhD
Research Fellow at the Department of Ethology Eötvös Loránd University – Budapest
“Puppies show a natural predisposition to do
what their human companion does…“
We think it is time to take into account dog´s natural predisposition when we train them!
“This experimental workshop is devised to develop ethologically oriented training procedures for training puppies based on their social learning predispositions.“
Theory will be directed by Dr. Fugazza! She will explain the most recent scientific results about social learning in puppies. Then with demonstrator puppies puts everything into a live practice.

Ask the organizer about the details to participate with your puppy as a demonstrator.
To see program click here!
- Recent scientific studies about social learning in puppies.
- Spontaneous behavior and behavioral synchronization in puppies. Should use it for training?
- Practice part of the seminar, the appropriate social reward.
- Recent scientific studies on social referencing in puppies education.
- Practice, the use of spontaneous social learning to train puppies.
- The practice part will be conducted by the use of 4 to 8 puppies as demonstrators, to show all the attendees how to use Social Learning in Dog Training .
*This is a one day seminar.
Languages click here!
- English
- Italiano
- Español
- Français